What exactly does the word
injection mean?
We are asked this question again and again when we are consulted about the possibility of renovating damaged buildings. During the engineering, technical and vocational training, the complex of waterproofing and especially the subsequent maintenance and repair of buildings by means of injection is hardly dealt with. As a result, technical regulations for the planning and execution of injection work and quality control are interpreted differently. For this reason, we have implemented the idea of an injection ABC. The results of 40 years of practical work as well as the cooperation with construction specialists, engineers, scientists and researchers in construction practice have been incorporated. Numerous suggestions led us to this completely revised 3rd edition of the reference work.
This lexicon of injection thrives on active further development. If you would like to contribute, we would be happy to receive your suggestions and additions at The texts are based on the laws, norms and rules applicable in Germany.
This lexicon of injection thrives on active further development. If you would like to contribute, we would be happy to receive your suggestions and additions at The texts are based on the laws, norms and rules applicable in Germany.
- results from 40 years
- technical regulations
- based on German laws
- 3rd edition
- A
- ABI leaflet (ABI-Merkblatt)
- Accumulated water
- Accumulating seepage water
- Acid-base indicator (pH indicator)
- Acrylate gel
- Additional injection
- Adhesion / Adhesive force
- Adhesive failure
- Aerated concrete / AAC autoclaved aerated concrete
- Aggressive water (construction)
- Air void
- Airless equipment
- Airless spray gun
- Alkali-silica reaction (ASR)
- Alkalinity / Basicity
- Aluminium packer
- Approval for construction products and types of construction
- Armouring
- Aromatic compound / Aromatic
- B
- Bar
- BASt
- Batch / Batch number
- Bearing structure
- Bending crack
- Bentonite
- Bimetal / Strip
- Blaine value
- Blasting technology
- Bond / Adhesive joint
- Bonding of lamellas
- Borehole seal
- Brick and mortar saw
- Building diagnostics
- Building in context
- Building moisture
- Building regulations of the German Laender (≈ Landesbauordnung LBO)
- C
- Calculation
- Capillary action (capillary effect)
- Capillary pore / Capillary
- Capillary water absorption
- Carbonation
- Catalyst
- Cavity / Air entrapment in concrete (unwanted)
- CE Marking / CE Declaration of Conformity
- Celsius (°C)
- Cement
- Cement injection
- Cement paste
- Cement stone
- Cement suspension
- Certificate of conformity
- Chemically bound water
- Civil engineering / Civil engineering structure / Structural engineering
- CM Method (calcium carbide measuring method)
- Cohesion / Cohesive force
- Cohesive failure
- Cohesive soil
- Compaction of concrete
- Compaction pore
- Component
- Compression (longitudinal)
- Compressive strength - hardened concrete
- Compressor
- Compulsory mixer
- Concrete
- Concrete corrosion
- Concrete cover
- Concrete pocket (rock pocket)
- Concrete reinforcement detector (concrete cover meter)
- Concrete replacement
- Concrete spalling
- Condenser dryer (construction)
- Connection by adherence
- Construction joint
- Construction Products List (Bauregelliste BRL)
- Coring
- Corrosion (metals)
- Corrosion of reinforcement
- Crack
- Crack cause
- Crack depth
- Crack direction
- Crack edge
- Crack flank
- Crack injection
- Crack magnifier
- Crack mapping
- Crack movement monitor
- Crack type
- Crack width
- Crack width changes
- Crack width ruler
- Curtain injection
- D
- DAfStb
- Daily construction report
- Darr method
- De-humidifier
- De-icing salt (road salt)
- Defect
- Dehydration (construction)
- Density
- Description of the services (construction)
- Design water level
- DESOI w.i.l.m.a.
- Dew point determination
- Dew point / Temperature of dew point (construction physics)
- Dispersion
- Dissolver / Dissolver disc
- Dose / Dosing
- Double inflatable packer
- Double nipple
- Drive-in packer
- Dry film thickness
- Dry-mix shotcreting
- E
- Economic life
- Efflorescence
- Elastic modulus
- Elasticity
- Elastomer
- Element wall
- Emulsion
- Endoscope
- Energy Saving Ordinance (Energieeinsparverordnung)
- Epoxy resin
- Equilibrium moisture
- European Organisation for Technical Assessment
- European Technical Approval
- Expansion / Elongation
- Expansion joint / Movement joint
- Exposure class
- G
- GEKA® Coupling
- Gel injection
- Gel pore
- General appraisal certificate (Allgemeines bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis abP)
- German Institute for Structural Engineering (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik DIBt)
- Glass transition temperature
- Grading curve (grain-size / particle-size distribution curve)
- Grinding fineness of cement
- Gross density
- Ground expertise
- Groundwater
- GÜB (Gemeinschaft für Überwachung im Bauwesen e.V.)
- I
- In-situ concrete
- Inflatable packer
- Infrared thermography
- Injection (construction)
- Injection devices
- Injection hose
- Injection into the ground
- Injection material
- Injection of voids
- Injection packer / Packer
- Inorganic / Organic compound
- Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Materialforschungs- und Prüfanstalt MFPA) / Institute for Materials Testing (Materialprüfanstalt MPA)
- ISO International Organization for Standardization
- Isocyanate
- IUPAC / IUPAC nomenclature
- M
- Marsh funnel
- Masonry
- Masonry diagnostics
- Masonry injection
- Masonry rehabilitation
- Masonry type
- Materials testing (construction)
- Maturing time
- Mechanical cleaning
- Mechanical load
- Mechanical stress
- Membrane pump
- Microcrack in concrete
- Micrometre (μm) / Micrometre
- Mineral
- Mixing device
- Mixing ratio
- Mixing time
- Mixing water
- Mixing without streaks
- Modified
- Modulus of elasticity
- Moisture penetration rate
- Molecule
- Monier, Joseph (1823 - 1906)
- Monomer
- Mortar
- Mouth piece
- Multiple stage injection
- P
- Packing unit
- Pan head nipple / Round head nipple
- Passive layer (reinforcing steel)
- PC
- Penetration depth / Penetration ability
- Perimeter insulation
- pH value
- Phenol
- Physically bound water
- Physiologically safe
- Pinning
- Planning of sealing work
- Planning specialist
- Plaster crack
- Plastic
- Plasticiser
- Plasticity / Plastic (material science)
- Pointing head
- Polyamine
- Polyaminoamide
- Polymer
- Polyurethane
- Pore
- Porosity
- Portland cement (CEM I) / Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
- Pot life / Working time
- Premixed dry mortar
- Pressing water
- Pressure gauge unit
- Prestandard
- Prestressed concrete
- Primer
- Processing guideline
- Processing temperature / Working temperature
- Project planning
- Proof of stability
- R
- Radar
- Ram injection lance
- Ram sleeve pipe
- Re-profiling
- REACH Regulation
- Reaction resin
- Reaction resin mortar / Reaction resin concrete
- Reaction shrinkage
- Reaction time
- Readiness for covering
- Ready-mixed concrete / Ready-mixed mortar
- Rebound hammer / Schmidt hammer
- Recipe / Formulation / Mix design
- Reducing nipple
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation concept (construction)
- Reinforced concrete
- Reinforcement
- Relative (air) humidity
- Releasing agent
- Renovation
- Repotting - Mixing of reaction materials
- Residual moisture
- Restoration
- Ring seal packer
- Rising damp
- Rock pocket
- Rotor / stator
- Rust
- S
- Safety data sheet
- Saturation humidity (construction)
- Sediment
- Sedimentation
- Seepage water
- Segmental construction
- Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
- Shore hardness
- Shotcrete (mortar / concrete)
- Shrinkage
- Shrinkage mould
- Shut-off piece
- SI prefixes
- SI System / International System of Units
- Silicone micro emulsion
- Silt
- Single inflatable packer
- SIVV Certificate
- Sleeve pipe
- Sliding coupling
- Solvent
- Solvent based epoxy resin
- Spatula
- Spiral Anchor
- Splitting tensile strength / Splitting tensile strength test
- Squeegee / Doctor knife
- Stainless-steel packer
- Standard grade of cleanliness
- Statics
- Stator
- Steel fibre concrete / Steel fibre reinforced conrete
- Steel packer
- Stress
- Strip foundation / Pad foundation
- Subsoil
- Substrate preparation
- Sulphate
- Sulphate formation / ettringite formation (concrete)
- Sump pit
- Surface
- Surface crack
- Surface preparation (corrosion protection steel)
- Surface protection system
- Surface sealing of cracks
- Suspension
- Swelling
- T
- Tank (construction)
- Tear strength (concrete)
- Tell-tale
- Temperature
- Temperature of structural elements
- Tender specification (construction)
- Tensile stress
- Thermal cleaning
- Thermal stress
- Thermo-hygrograph
- Thermography
- Thermometer
- Thermoplastic (thermomer)
- Thermoset material (duromer)
- Thixotropic agent
- Threaded lance
- Toothed spatula
- TQM – Total Quality Management
- Trass
- Trough structure
- Trowel
- Tubbing / Tunnel lining segment
- Tubular feedthrough
- Tunnel boring machine
- Tunnel rehabilitation
- Tunnelling method
- TÜV (Technical supervising Institute)
- W
- W/C ratio
- Wall / Base Joint
- Water
- Water absorption coefficient (w)
- Water glass
- Water impermeability / Hydraulic impermeability
- Water penetration test (construction)
- Water permeability / Hydraulic permeability
- Water pressure test / Lugeon test
- Water Resources Act
- Water retention (capacity)
- Waterproof concrete
- Waterproof structural concrete element (white Tank)
- Waterproofing of structures
- Wedge packer
- Wet film thickness
- Wet-mix shotcrete process
- Wet room / Wet area
- wilma
- Z