- A
- ABI leaflet (ABI-Merkblatt)
- Accumulated water
- Accumulating seepage water
- Acid-base indicator (pH indicator)
- Acrylate gel
- Additional injection
- Adhesion / Adhesive force
- Adhesive failure
- Aerated concrete / AAC autoclaved aerated concrete
- Aggressive water (construction)
- Air void
- Airless equipment
- Airless spray gun
- Alkali-silica reaction (ASR)
- Alkalinity / Basicity
- Aluminium packer
- Approval for construction products and types of construction
- Armouring
- Aromatic compound / Aromatic
- B
- Bar
- BASt
- Batch / Batch number
- Bearing structure
- Bending crack
- Bentonite
- Bimetal / Strip
- Blaine value
- Blasting technology
- Bond / Adhesive joint
- Bonding of lamellas
- Borehole seal
- Brick and mortar saw
- Building diagnostics
- Building in context
- Building moisture
- Building regulations of the German Laender (≈ Landesbauordnung LBO)
- C
- Calculation
- Capillary action (capillary effect)
- Capillary pore / Capillary
- Capillary water absorption
- Carbonation
- Catalyst
- Cavity / Air entrapment in concrete (unwanted)
- CE Marking / CE Declaration of Conformity
- Celsius (°C)
- Cement
- Cement injection
- Cement paste
- Cement stone
- Cement suspension
- Certificate of conformity
- Chemically bound water
- Civil engineering / Civil engineering structure / Structural engineering
- CM Method (calcium carbide measuring method)
- Cohesion / Cohesive force
- Cohesive failure
- Cohesive soil
- Compaction of concrete
- Compaction pore
- Component
- Compression (longitudinal)
- Compressive strength - hardened concrete
- Compressor
- Compulsory mixer
- Concrete
- Concrete corrosion
- Concrete cover
- Concrete pocket (rock pocket)
- Concrete reinforcement detector (concrete cover meter)
- Concrete replacement
- Concrete spalling
- Condenser dryer (construction)
- Connection by adherence
- Construction joint
- Construction Products List (Bauregelliste BRL)
- Coring
- Corrosion (metals)
- Corrosion of reinforcement
- Crack
- Crack cause
- Crack depth
- Crack direction
- Crack edge
- Crack flank
- Crack injection
- Crack magnifier
- Crack mapping
- Crack movement monitor
- Crack type
- Crack width
- Crack width changes
- Crack width ruler
- Curtain injection
- D
- DAfStb
- Daily construction report
- Darr method
- De-humidifier
- De-icing salt (road salt)
- Defect
- Dehydration (construction)
- Density
- Description of the services (construction)
- Design water level
- DESOI w.i.l.m.a.
- Dew point determination
- Dew point / Temperature of dew point (construction physics)
- Dispersion
- Dissolver / Dissolver disc
- Dose / Dosing
- Double inflatable packer
- Double nipple
- Drive-in packer
- Dry film thickness
- Dry-mix shotcreting
- E
- Economic life
- Efflorescence
- Elastic modulus
- Elasticity
- Elastomer
- Element wall
- Emulsion
- Endoscope
- Energy Saving Ordinance (Energieeinsparverordnung)
- Epoxy resin
- Equilibrium moisture
- European Organisation for Technical Assessment
- European Technical Approval
- Expansion / Elongation
- Expansion joint / Movement joint
- Exposure class
- G
- GEKA® Coupling
- Gel injection
- Gel pore
- General appraisal certificate (Allgemeines bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis abP)
- German Institute for Structural Engineering (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik DIBt)
- Glass transition temperature
- Grading curve (grain-size / particle-size distribution curve)
- Grinding fineness of cement
- Gross density
- Ground expertise
- Groundwater
- GÜB (Gemeinschaft für Überwachung im Bauwesen e.V.)
- I
- In-situ concrete
- Inflatable packer
- Infrared thermography
- Injection (construction)
- Injection devices
- Injection hose
- Injection into the ground
- Injection material
- Injection of voids
- Injection packer / Packer
- Inorganic / Organic compound
- Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Materialforschungs- und Prüfanstalt MFPA) / Institute for Materials Testing (Materialprüfanstalt MPA)
- ISO International Organization for Standardization
- Isocyanate
- IUPAC / IUPAC nomenclature
- M
- Marsh funnel
- Masonry
- Masonry diagnostics
- Masonry injection
- Masonry rehabilitation
- Masonry type
- Materials testing (construction)
- Maturing time
- Mechanical cleaning
- Mechanical load
- Mechanical stress
- Membrane pump
- Microcrack in concrete
- Micrometre (μm) / Micrometre
- Mineral
- Mixing device
- Mixing ratio
- Mixing time
- Mixing water
- Mixing without streaks
- Modified
- Modulus of elasticity
- Moisture penetration rate
- Molecule
- Monier, Joseph (1823 - 1906)
- Monomer
- Mortar
- Mouth piece
- Multiple stage injection
- P
- Packing unit
- Pan head nipple / Round head nipple
- Passive layer (reinforcing steel)
- PC
- Penetration depth / Penetration ability
- Perimeter insulation
- pH value
- Phenol
- Physically bound water
- Physiologically safe
- Pinning
- Planning of sealing work
- Planning specialist
- Plaster crack
- Plastic
- Plasticiser
- Plasticity / Plastic (material science)
- Pointing head
- Polyamine
- Polyaminoamide
- Polymer
- Polyurethane
- Pore
- Porosity
- Portland cement (CEM I) / Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
- Pot life / Working time
- Premixed dry mortar
- Pressing water
- Pressure gauge unit
- Prestandard
- Prestressed concrete
- Primer
- Processing guideline
- Processing temperature / Working temperature
- Project planning
- Proof of stability
- R
- Radar
- Ram injection lance
- Ram sleeve pipe
- Re-profiling
- REACH Regulation
- Reaction resin
- Reaction resin mortar / Reaction resin concrete
- Reaction shrinkage
- Reaction time
- Readiness for covering
- Ready-mixed concrete / Ready-mixed mortar
- Rebound hammer / Schmidt hammer
- Recipe / Formulation / Mix design
- Reducing nipple
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation concept (construction)
- Reinforced concrete
- Reinforcement
- Relative (air) humidity
- Releasing agent
- Renovation
- Repotting - Mixing of reaction materials
- Residual moisture
- Restoration
- Ring seal packer
- Rising damp
- Rock pocket
- Rotor / stator
- Rust
- S
- Safety data sheet
- Saturation humidity (construction)
- Sediment
- Sedimentation
- Seepage water
- Segmental construction
- Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
- Shore hardness
- Shotcrete (mortar / concrete)
- Shrinkage
- Shrinkage mould
- Shut-off piece
- SI prefixes
- SI System / International System of Units
- Silicone micro emulsion
- Silt
- Single inflatable packer
- SIVV Certificate
- Sleeve pipe
- Sliding coupling
- Solvent
- Solvent based epoxy resin
- Spatula
- Spiral Anchor
- Splitting tensile strength / Splitting tensile strength test
- Squeegee / Doctor knife
- Stainless-steel packer
- Standard grade of cleanliness
- Statics
- Stator
- Steel fibre concrete / Steel fibre reinforced conrete
- Steel packer
- Stress
- Strip foundation / Pad foundation
- Subsoil
- Substrate preparation
- Sulphate
- Sulphate formation / ettringite formation (concrete)
- Sump pit
- Surface
- Surface crack
- Surface preparation (corrosion protection steel)
- Surface protection system
- Surface sealing of cracks
- Suspension
- Swelling
- T
- Tank (construction)
- Tear strength (concrete)
- Tell-tale
- Temperature
- Temperature of structural elements
- Tender specification (construction)
- Tensile stress
- Thermal cleaning
- Thermal stress
- Thermo-hygrograph
- Thermography
- Thermometer
- Thermoplastic (thermomer)
- Thermoset material (duromer)
- Thixotropic agent
- Threaded lance
- Toothed spatula
- TQM – Total Quality Management
- Trass
- Trough structure
- Trowel
- Tubbing / Tunnel lining segment
- Tubular feedthrough
- Tunnel boring machine
- Tunnel rehabilitation
- Tunnelling method
- TÜV (Technical supervising Institute)
- W
- W/C ratio
- Wall / Base Joint
- Water
- Water absorption coefficient (w)
- Water glass
- Water impermeability / Hydraulic impermeability
- Water penetration test (construction)
- Water permeability / Hydraulic permeability
- Water pressure test / Lugeon test
- Water Resources Act
- Water retention (capacity)
- Waterproof concrete
- Waterproof structural concrete element (white Tank)
- Waterproofing of structures
- Wedge packer
- Wet film thickness
- Wet-mix shotcrete process
- Wet room / Wet area
- wilma
- Z